Chapter 11: Morality


"Alternate moral systems are based on reason, not faith." (Janaro and Altshuler, 2017)

I personally believe that basing your morality off of reason is better, at least in comparison to simply following rules written by someone you can't be sure even exist (a god). Determining by yourself what is right and wrong would help you be more comfortable with the choices you make, and I think would make you and others happier overall.

...doing the right thing in every in every instance is exceedingly difficult (Janaro and Altshuler, 2017)

I agree with this, it's often hard to know which choice is is morally correct in a lot of situations. Especially if the "right choice" conflicts with our own desires. If this weren't true, I don't think crimes or war would exist, because morally, killing people and stealing things etc. are technically "wrong" no matter what.

“Is acting out of self-interest such a bad thing?” (Janaro and Altshuler, 2017)

In my opinion, no, to a certain extent. I think that as long as you don't step on other people to get ahead, you are not doing anything morally wrong. But simply doing things that will help you just because you want to succeed is not wrong at all.



Janaro, R. P., & Altshuler, T. C. (2017).The Art of Being Human: the Humanities as a Technique for Living, 11th edition. Pearson Education, Inc.

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